I decided to make a GIF of an animal doing something funny. I had a video of a squirrel eating out of a feeder that I captured from a trail camera a few years ago. It reminds me of some of the GIFs I see in the comments sections on social media.
We had a family of these critters who would come eat from a feeder I made for them.
To make this video, I followed a few simple steps.
Step 1
In your web browser, go to makeagif.com. Once you’re there, you will need to sign up for an account or login. (I’ll also include a video at the bottom in case I missed something)
Step 2
For this step, I chose the Video to GIF option. Once you click on that, you have options for how to upload your video. Pick whichever one works best for you. Once you have it uploaded, click Continue to Editing in the lower right corner.
Step 3
The next step lets you trim and edit the length and speed of your GIF. When you’re finished, click Continue to Publishing in the lower right corner.
Step 4
Now you’re ready to download or share a link to your GIF, enjoy!
Here is the video if you need more help.